Friday, January 25, 2019

My Romance with Rock Triad Progressions

From Chapter 11 of An Approach To Jazz Piano

This video is a demo of some ideas for applying "rock triad progressions" to the well known standard "My Romance."

You might remember this idea, but have a look at this previous post to review of the so called (Rock Progressions—really like darker colour shifts): Rock/Blues Triad Progressions

This next video is a take on this, applied to My Romance.  Get a lead sheet of My Romance and follow along...

For an in-depth introduction to rock/blues triads, see Chapter 11 of An Approach To Jazz Piano.

Secondary Dominants and Inside to Outside Scale Choices

from Chapter 32 of An Approach To Jazz Piano Dominant scales can either reflect the tonality of the key center or can imply a direction aw...